Thurs. Apr. 12
Wonder Poem packet 10 most common types of poem formats You are responsible for knowing 1) quatrain, 2) acrostic, 3) haiku and 4) free verse
Wed. Apr. 11
Genius Hour: What is genius hour? links and questions
Mon. Apr. 9
Casey at the Bat poem link
Fri. Apr. 6
Final design reflection
Wed. Apr. 4
List of character traits Another list of character traits with definitions
Mon. Apr. 2
Yelp! Review Assignment and Examples Summer Characterization Lit Elements 119-132 Wonder Audio (P.119 is at approximately 3:10)
Fri. Mar. 23
Lit circle debrief 2/3 Lit circle debrief 6/7
Tues. Mar. 20
Wonder audiobook link Page 82-117 prep packet
Fri. Mar. 16
Innovation lab: Link to group debrief survey. Humanities: Link to reflection packet
Thurs. Mar. 15
Link to Design Star Reflection Due end-of-class Friday!