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Important Links's Find a Book

Search the Lexile level of your book or search for books based on your Lexile level.

Typing Games

Links for fun!
Class textbook

Log in here to access the social studies textbook. Your login is your school email ( and use your district password. Click the "eText" menu top right to access the book.

CIA World Factbook

Click this link.

A site that gives factual information and brief summaries about nations across the world. Spies have to do their research!

Shackleton Links

Useful links for information about Shackleton's Antarctic expedition.

Cool Antarctica

Endurance Obituaries


Shackleton on NOVA

This is where we will access our article-a-day and have occasional reading quizzes.

Learner's Dictionary

We will use this dictionary for our weekly vocabulary lists. Search for the words at this site.  - Synonyms and antonyms!

Tips and Tools

Google like a pro - tips for being a power user of Google.

Writing Links

Blake Snyder's Beat Sheet (aka write like a Hollywood script writer)

Fake Name Generator


Calvin and Hobbes

Phoebe and Her Unicorn

Garfield Minus Garfield


Big Nate

F Minus

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